


Many call me talented, gifted and so on (very flattering till I see another artist’s work), which I do appreciate a lot. In my spare time, I do try to teach other aspiring artists but they get discouraged each time they hear of the time frame it takes to complete a standard artwork, talk less a masterpiece. (Not even days, months).
If not for some current setbacks (Team Nigeria with her ridiculously expensive data plan and epileptic power supply, I love my country though). I would have created my very own YouTube channel, where I’ll be posting my step by step tutorial videos. But it’ll happen someday, when it comes to the business of art, one can’t actually predict the season of the surge of customers, I got this job some days ago to make a family portrait,(the stress was well worth the pay, heehaw). Consisted of a straight (ahem) couple plus two beautiful daughters, took me a week to accomplish. The process was regular still. A3 format cartridge paper but I used white pelican paper for the couples, used a grid system with my trusty mechanical 2b lead pencil, and then combined 8b, 4b, 8h, hb, 2b and 4b pencils for the whole shading. Used a tissue paper for blending (never ever use your fingers). I plan on kick starting my painting career soon, the materials are off the roof expensive unless one wants to purchase mediocre student quality materials (yuck) and yes, I’m a huge fan of acrylics for two major reasons;
→Fast drying ability
→None toxic smell
When I get my money right, I’ll buy all the necessary materials and self-teach even if it takes a decade, I’ll eventually get there, life is a competition between just two people, you and yourself, stop getting depressed by what your friends are currently achieving or have achieved, as long as you got your hustle on and not idling with prayers, you’ll hit the jackpot someday. (Never said you shouldn’t pray though).  

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